Sunday, November 13, 2011

Collaborative Van Gogh Project with 4th Graders

My school's PTO asked my teaching partner and I to come up with 2 works of student art to auction off at a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new addition to our school. We decided to use Van Gogh as our inspiration and we selected Vase with 10 Flowers and Starry Night. We bought those 2 posters, cut them up into equal gridded out squares. Each square was numbered on the back. We used black construction paper and cut a matching square for each student. The black square was also numbered.  We started out with pencil sketches of where students saw shapes and color contrast. Contrast was the focus of our curriculum map so we really focused on having the children notice the contrasting colors and shapes. Students used oil pastels to achieve the look of "movement". As they neared finishing their own individual square, they got into groups to match up their art. I think they turned out beautifully.

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